B.Tech graduate in Computer Science and Engineering with a focus on Cyber Security, proficient in Java, JDBC, Hibernate, JPA, and SQL. Hands-on experience in developing and deploying REST APIs and software projects using Spring Boot and Jersey. Strong in problem-solving and backend development with a keen interest in learning and applying new technologies. Seeking a role as a Java Developer to contribute to innovative projects.

Work Experience

KODNEST TECHNOLOGIES | 02-2024 to 04-2024 | Bengaluru, Karnataka,India

Java Fullstack Developer(Intern)

Interning at Kodnest in the Java Full Stack course.Learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript for front-end, and Spring Boot for back-end. Engaging in hands-on exercises, gaining practical experience. Enhancing teamwork and communication skills.


Hospital Management System

Java,Sql,Jdbc,IDE - intellij idea

  • Developed a Java-based system for managing hospital operations, including patients,doctors, and appointments.
  • Developed the Patient class to add, view,remove,and retrieve patient details.
  • Implemented the Doctor class to check and view doctor details.
  • Created the Appointment class to book,remove,and view appointment details.
  • Designed the Driver class as the main interface,featuring a user-friendly menu and managing database interactions.

  • StudentInfo Management REST API(Spring Boot)

    Java,Jdbc,IDE - Eclipse,Spring Initializr

  • Developed a RESTful API using Spring Boot for CRUD operations on student records.
  • Designed and managed MySQL database with Student table, integrating Spring Data JPA for seamless interaction.
  • Created and tested API endpoints using Postman (e.g., POST /api/students, GET /api/students/id, PUT /api/students/id, DELETE /api/students/id).
  • Deployed application on Apache Tomcat and used Spring Boot DevTools for rapid development.
  • Managed project dependencies with Maven and developed using Eclipse IDE.

  • Alien Management REST API (Jersey)

    Java,Jdbc,IDE - Eclipse,Jersey Quick Start

  • Developed a REST API using Jersey for managing Alien records with CRUD operations.
  • Integrated JDBC with MySQL to store and retrieve Alien data.
  • Designed API endpoints for creating, reading, updating, and deleting records.
  • Tested API functionality using Postman.
  • Deployed the project on Apache Tomcat with Maven for dependency management, handling both JSON and XML data formats.

  • Personal Portfolio Website

    Html5,Css(grid layout)- Vs Code,Prettier

  • Designed and developed a portfolio website using HTML and CSS (CSS Grid Layout).
  • Included pages for About, Education, Skills, Projects, Certificates,Internships and Links.
  • Integrated direct links to LinkedIn, GitHub, LeetCode, and a downloadable Resume.
  • Easy-to-navigate structure with a consistent layout across pages
  • Education


    Programming Languages


    ORM Frameworks

    Java REST API Frameworks

    Frontend Technologies

    Content Management Systems (CMS)

    Project Management Tool

    Tools & IDEs




    Phone: +91 6303666197